Dream Parlor

Dream Parlor:
272 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade Paperbacks: $12.49
Hardbacks: $22.95

Dream Parlor the Novel is available from:

Or can be ordered from any brick & mortar store!

1 hours, 32 minutes
Streaming to rent: $2.99
Streaming to buy: $14.99
Legacy DVD to buy: Varies

Dream Parlor the Movie is available from:

6 hours, 24 minutes

Dream Parlor the Audiobook is available from:

“Welcome to the DREAM PARLOR.”

“You are now entering a world of pure imagination, a realm of lucid dreams. Journey to the summit of your greatest hopes. Explore your most primitive desires. At the Parlor, you can be everything you want. Go anywhere. Do anything. No questions asked.”

All it costs is your soul.

Years ago, the burgeoning one-world government announced its intention to implant Identification Chips, IDCs, into the right hand of every man, woman, and child on the planet. Fearing this threat to personal freedoms, the People fought back …

The People Lost …

Two decades later, Citizen 11811, Elijah Barrett, a man torn between destiny and assimilation, rises to challenge the System. He uses his rank and position to sabotage public executions and to feed and shelter the less-fortunate Non-Citizens. When a close friend disappears, Eli’s search leads him to the Dream Parlor, a Citizen-exclusive facility, developed by Doctor James Corbit, which induces lucid dreams.

Venturing into the darkened corners of his soul, Eli is enticed by the love of a beautiful woman … and haunted by the image of a mysterious man. But as government violence grows in intensity, Eli is caught tampering with classified documents and tagged as a fugitive.

Now, Eli must learn the dark secrets behind the Dream Parlor in order to save countless lives … even if it risks his own.

*Co-screenwriter and star Christopher Andrews adapted this novelization of the feature-film from Timeless Entertainment. Based on the original 2-hour version of the film, it includes scenes that were left on the cutting-room floor, as well as additional background, character development, and 30 production photos from the film.*


“[Impressive] characters … An amazing read … [will] appeal to a much wider audience than the usual science fiction crowd.”
Lesley Meade, Booknet

“Excellent from beginning to end … Andrews has a way with words … This book is captivating!”

Julianna Smith, Author of the Dream Catcher series

“… the wunderkind Christopher Andrews… one of my top favorite authors … delighted me again … a great book … extremely well-written prose”
Grabbermcgrew, Sharp Writer Reviews

“… LOVED this book! … a [very human] hero … equally human villain … movie stills are effective … [not] a single drawback or flaw …”
John Howard, Book Reader 222



“The script is good … dialogue was good … acting was [good] … I know a good story when I see one … a great picture among Independent Sci-Fi.”
Horror Bob, HorrorReviews.com

“Very good movie … director has a good eye … [Andrews is] a pretty good actor … refreshingly high brow … [main characters are] multi-layered and very human … “
John Howard, Book Reader 222