Night of the Living Dead:
206 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade Paperbacks: $13.95
Night of the Living Dead is available from:
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In celebration of the classic motion picture that defined a genre of horror, award-winning author Christopher Andrews brings his unique talents to this blood-chilling novelization.
Join Barbra, Ben, Tom and Judy, and the Coopers as they struggle to survive through the night surrounded by legions of the living dead.
“... inspired author ... engaging prose ... incredible and jolting ... fast-paced ... skillful ... difficult to put [down] ... knows what his readers want and [delivers].”
— Sicko-Psychotic, February 6, 2011
“Novelizations are tricky business ... Andrews [does it correctly] ... added depth and dimension ... [makes] the story fresh ... [recommended for] horror fans ...”
— Erik Smith, MonsterLibrarian.com, 2010

Dream Parlor:
272 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade Paperbacks: $12.49
Hardbacks: $22.95
Dream Parlor the Novel is available from:
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1 hours, 32 minutes
Streaming to rent: $2.99
Streaming to buy: $14.99
Legacy DVD to buy: Varies
Dream Parlor the Movie is available from:
6 hours, 24 minutes
Dream Parlor the Audiobook is available from:
"Welcome to the DREAM PARLOR."
"You are now entering a world of pure imagination, a realm of lucid dreams. Journey to the summit of your greatest hopes. Explore your most primitive desires. At the Parlor, you can be everything you want. Go anywhere. Do anything. No questions asked."
All it costs is your soul.
Years ago, the burgeoning one-world government announced its intention to implant Identification Chips, IDCs, into the right hand of every man, woman, and child on the planet. Fearing this threat to personal freedoms, the People fought back ...
The People Lost ...
Two decades later, Citizen 11811, Elijah Barrett, a man torn between destiny and assimilation, rises to challenge the System. He uses his rank and position to sabotage public executions and to feed and shelter the less-fortunate Non-Citizens. When a close friend disappears, Eli's search leads him to the Dream Parlor, a Citizen-exclusive facility, developed by Doctor James Corbit, which induces lucid dreams.
Venturing into the darkened corners of his soul, Eli is enticed by the love of a beautiful woman ... and haunted by the image of a mysterious man. But as government violence grows in intensity, Eli is caught tampering with classified documents and tagged as a fugitive.
Now, Eli must learn the dark secrets behind the Dream Parlor in order to save countless lives ... even if it risks his own.
*Co-screenwriter and star Christopher Andrews adapted this novelization of the feature-film from Timeless Entertainment. Based on the original 2-hour version of the film, it includes scenes that were left on the cutting-room floor, as well as additional background, character development, and 30 production photos from the film.*
“[Impressive] characters ... An amazing read ... [will] appeal to a much wider audience than the usual science fiction crowd.”
— Lesley Meade, Booknet
“Excellent from beginning to end ... Andrews has a way with words ... This book is captivating!”
— Julianna Smith, Author of the Dream Catcher series
“... the wunderkind Christopher Andrews... one of my top favorite authors ... delighted me again ... a great book ... extremely well-written prose”
— Grabbermcgrew, Sharp Writer Reviews
“... LOVED this book! ... a [very human] hero ... equally human villain ... movie stills are effective ... [not] a single drawback or flaw ...”
— John Howard, Book Reader 222
"The script is good ... dialogue was good ... acting was [good] ... I know a good story when I see one ... a great picture among Independent Sci-Fi."
— Horror Bob, HorrorReviews.com
"Very good movie ... director has a good eye ... [Andrews is] a pretty good actor ... refreshingly high brow ... [main characters are] multi-layered and very human ... "
— John Howard, Book Reader 222

Julius Caesar
184 pages
Amazon Kindle: $6.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $6.99
Trade Paperback: $10.95
Hardbacks: $20.95
Julius Caesar is available from:
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"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears."
Award-winning author Christopher Andrews returns once again with his novelization of William Shakespeare’s "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar." As with "Hamlet: Prince of Denmark" and "Macbeth," Andrews has adapted the play to allow modern readers of the 21st Century to better enjoy the work of The Bard.
Whether you are a student or simply find yourself intimidated by Shakespeare’s verbiage, this is the novelization for you.

192 pages
Amazon Kindle: $6.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $6.99
Trade Paperback: $9.95
Hardbacks: $19.95
Macbeth is available from:
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By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.
Award-winning author Christopher Andrews returns with his novelization of William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth. As with Hamlet: Prince of Denmark, Andrews has adapted the play to allow modern readers of the 21st Century to better enjoy the work of The Bard.
Whether you are a student or simply find yourself intimidated by Shakespeare's verbiage, this is the novelization for you.
“Andrews has captured all the tragedy intended by Shakespeare and transformed it into a page turning novel ... enjoyed it thoroughly.”
— Katherine McKenzie, Goodreads.com

Hamlet: Prince of Denmark
248 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade Paperback: $11.95
Hardbacks: $21.95
Hamlet: Prince of Denmark is available from:
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"To Be, or Not to Be, That is the Question."
Here is the novelization of Shakespeare's, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. It has been adapted to allow modern readers of the 21st Century to enjoy the work of The Bard.
Whether you are a student or perhaps have simply been intimidated by Shakespeare's text, this is the novelization for you.
Excerpt from the Author’s Foreword:
I had many reasons for wanting to write a novelization of Hamlet, but the simplest reason was for my mother. And people like her.
"I’ve always wanted to read Hamlet," she once insisted, "but I just can’t understand what they’re saying. I can’t understand Shakespeare."
That got me to thinking: How many people like my mother are out there? How many people would relish Shakespeare’s work, if only they had a little help following the dialogue?
(1) I would "translate" the language, though not to sound "modern," per se. I would just ... nudge the words a bit, while leaving them in their original setting.
(2) I would elaborate in the prose as to what each character might have been doing/thinking/feeling at any given point. And thus, the dialogue would become more clear, as the reader would have a greater sense of context.
Do I hope pleasure-readers will find it more accessible now? Yes! Do I hope that perhaps students might be able to use this text as a learning aide? Sure!
So here is my interpretation of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. I hope you find the Bard’s text easier to understand, but at the same time, I am asking you to "put your Thinking Caps on." After all, this is still Shakespeare; I’m just hoping to help you understand the story that much better. I’ve tweaked, I’ve rearranged, I’ve converted ... but whenever possible, I’ve left things as unaltered as I could.
— Laura S., Shelfari.com
“A believable interpretation of the 'Hamlet' play, in novel form, a true tragedy and a great book ...”
— Miranda, Goodreads.com

Paranormals: Darkness Reigns
404 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade paperbacks: $16.95
Hardbacks: $26.95
Paranormals: We Are Not Alone is available from:
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Book Three in the PARANORMALS series!
Two years ago, Steve Davison — known to the world as the hero Vortex — lost his family. Murdered, one and all, by superhuman paranormals. Except for his brother, John, who was officially listed as “missing,” because his remains were destroyed beyond viable identification.
John Davison was presumed dead.
But John did not die that day.
Instead, John was whisked away to a world of magic and wonder. And there he remained, living a life he could never have imagined.
But things have taken a dark turn for John. An enemy, an insidious creature of darkness called the Skygger, has traveled to Earth. Its goal: Revenge against John ... by killing Vortex.
The heroes who fight alongside Vortex — Lieutenant Takayasu and Shockwave, Powerhouse, and the Taalu alien, the Shining Star — form a mighty force against paranormal rogues. But they have never faced an opponent like the Skygger.
Without John’s help, Vortex is doomed.
Because where the Skygger goes, Darkness Reigns.
“... great super human series takes darker turn! ... worth the wait! ... disturbing new villain ... well deserved 5 stars ... poignant and satisfying ...”
— John Howard, Book Reader 222
“... [a] mind-bending adventure! ... thrilling third chapter ... a dimension-hopping, magical, superhero adventure that’s often suspenseful, sometimes terrifying, but always enjoyable.”
— Marcus Alexander Hart, Author of the Galaxy Cruise series

Paranormals: We Are Not Alone
424 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade paperbacks: $16.95
Hardbacks: $26.95
Paranormals: We Are Not Alone is available from:
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Book Two in the PARANORMALS series!
Six years ago, when the White Flash washed over planet Earth, it left behind an unbelievable legacy: A small number of people changed — some instantaneously, some months or years later — giving them superhuman abilities. Sadly, most of these paranormals have chosen to use these gifts for their own selfish goals. Only a handful have joined the Paranormal Control Agency to help stop these rogues, with even fewer choosing the path of the hero.
But the Paranormal Effect was not the only astonishing change to take place. Within 24 hours of the White Flash's appearance, SETI detected its first extraterrestrial radio signal ... and then another ... and then another.
At any other time in history, this would have been the biggest news of our generation, but for the majority of the global population, the superhumans among us took precedence over voices drifting from light-years away.
Except some of those voices are getting closer. A lot closer.
Now Vortex, Powerhouse, Lieutenant Takayasu and Shockwave must deal with more than superhuman criminals. They must face the wondrous rewards and the terrible consequences of our learning that We Are Not Alone.
"Another great read from Andrews! ... didn't disappoint ... major new developments ... really looking forward to a third book!"
- Jamie Eisenberg, Goodreads.com
"... deserves all five stars ... action was great ... superbly written ... Shining Star was a great addition ... well developed characters..."
- Bubbles Hunty, Goodreads.com

Of Wolf and Man:
296 pages
Amazon Kindle: $7.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $7.99
Trade Paperbacks: $14.95
Hardbacks: $24.95
Of Wolf and Man is available from:
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Award-winning 2nd novel in the TRIUMVIRATE series. Two years have passed since werewolf Sean Mallory and his undead partners, the vampire Alistaire and the zombie Trey, crossed over into our world. The journey has been difficult, but the Triumvirate is finally adjusting to their new home. Now Sean has received a cry for help from northern Alaska. A pack of werewolves are on the prowl, slaughtering hunters with increasing frequency. But the Triumvirate soon learns that these werewolves are different from any they have before encountered. To make matters worse, all odds stack against them -- the environment, the time of year, the lunar cycle, everything. Murphy's Law at its worst. Crippled and outnumbered, how can the Triumvirate save the people of Alaska if they cannot even save themselves?
WINNER: IPPY book awards Bronze Medal for Horror
“Outstanding sequel! ... everything that a sequel should be ... interesting and creepy ... addresses some bold issues, and does so very well.”
— John Howard, Book Reader 222
“Better than ‘New Moon’ ... Andrews is amazing with character ... [won] an IPPY award bronze [medal] ... should have won the gold.”
— Marcus Alexander Hart, Author of The Oblivion Society

Pandora’s Game:
248 pages
Amazon Kindle: $5.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $5.99
Trade Paperbacks: $11.95
Hardbacks: $21.95
Pandora's Game is available from:
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College students Neil Carpenter and Mark Hudson set out to create "The Triumvirate," a comic book about a vampire and werewolf who resist their evil natures and hunt their own kind. When Neil learns hypnosis in his Psychology class, he proposes using it to enrich the characters — they could hypnotize themselves into thinking that they are the characters, then exchange interviews. To test the idea, Neil assumes the identity of the vampire — the independently wealthy and deeply religious Alistaire Bachman. The Game begins . . . a Game that leads to a whirlwind of confusion, murder, and impossibility.
"... incredible ... sharp ... creative ... original and interesting ideas driving the plot and drama ... an ending like a kick in the gut."
- Alex Zawacki, 9-out-of-10 rating, Class-B
"Andrews [is] an exceptional writer and a master of storytelling ... a strong emotional resonance ... completely engrossing ... an incredible
storytelling feat."
- Marcus Alexander Hart, Author of The Oblivion Society
"Christopher Andrews writes like an author with much more experience ... I expect Andrews to become a fantastic author."
- Pat McGreal, Horror Novels Online Newsletter
"Andrews shows a lot of versatility ... as much competence and style as Poppy Z. Brite or Anne Rice."
- Lesley Meade, Booknet
"An interesting story ... I couldn't wait to see what happened next ... the characters are appealing and the concept is absorbing ..."
- Conan Tigard, Book Browser
"... a spellbinding novel ... fascinating, riveting ... hard to put down ... a talented writer ... would convert wonderfully to the screen ..."
- Grabbermcgrew, Sharp Writer Reviews
"Very good ... makes you keep turning pages ... keeps you guessing ... good variation on [gothic tunes] ... exciting twists and turns ..."
- Rod Clark, BookReview.com
“Great start to a new series! ... EXCELLENT book ... fresh and different ... [likeable] characters ... [impressive] style ... [different from] any other book ...”
- John Howard, Book Reader 222

The Darkness Within:
108 pages
Amazon Kindle: $3.99
Barnes & Noble Nook: $3.99
Trade Paperbacks: $6.95
The Darkness Within is available from:
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Thirst you cannot quench;
Music you cannot endure;
Choices you cannot reverse;
Commands you cannot resist.
By popular request, here are the early short-stories of author Christopher Andrews, collected for the first time ever. Decidedly intemperate compared to his more recent works, The Darkness Within offers an unnerving, and sometimes wickedly humorous, examination of the darkness that lurks under beds, around corners, and, more often than we care to admit, within our own souls.
Also includes "Connexion," the short-story sequel to the Triumvirate novel, Pandora's Game.
“I love all of these ... I'm so glad that Christopher Andrews released this collection.”
— coaxialcreature, Shelfari.com